2020/07/02 contentCloud (versión 1.18) Nueva funcionalidad para crear la ficha LOM de las unidades de autoría.

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Next monday, 6th July, you will find a new functionality In contentCloud: the creation of LOM tabs in the authoring units.

LOM is the adaptation of the international LOM standard to the Spanish educational reality and allows to associate a series of metadata to the units with the aim of cataloging and identifying a content and thus facilitating its classification and search in a repository.

With the addition of this simple and intuitive functionality, you can generate cataloging sheets of your units that allow you to identify them in generic catalogs or specific. Most importantly: you do not need any technical knowledge about this standard.

The tab includes the required data requested by the standard, but if you need a more personalized LOM topken, including other optional data, just ask us!

See here how to create your LOM data.

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