Novedades de Producto | Personalizar los nombres de las etapas en un canal

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Customize the names of stages in a channel. Authors and administrators can now change the name of stages within a channel.

    Image 41085

    Go to the "manage texts" option in the channel menu, on the next screen you can change the name of the channel stages.

    • If the customer has the multi-language functionality activated, a tab will be displayed for each of the languages in which the channel is configured, so that you can enter the name of each stage in the corresponding language.
    • If the client does not have the multi-language functionality activated, a screen will be displayed to enter the personalised texts for each stage.

    When a registered user accesses the channel, he/she will see the stage names that have been configured.

    • If the client has the multi-language functionality activated, he/she will see the names of the stages in the preferred language of his/her profile or in the default language of the channel (if there is no translation for his/her preferred language).
    • If the customer does not have the multi-language functionality activated, he will see the customised stage names entered by the author of the channel.

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