Improvement request. Option to hide/lock Pathways

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When we hide a sprint, this is still visible for other authors in the channels where the sprints are collected. This is not ok for our client, hidden should really mean hidden. And also when you can actually hide a sprint, you should also be able to lock the editing of a channel, because otherwise another author can think a channel is empty and delete the channel, but it was just hidden for them. Therefore we request both the lock and hide functionality for the channels.


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Samantha Vázquez Fustes
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Hi Irma,

Our Product Owner commented this seems interesting but she confirmed that our Development team haven't contemplated this change yet.

We invite you to propose this again next year.

Thanks for your collaboration.


Netex Support


Hola Irma,

Nuestra Product Owner comenta que le parece interesante tu propuesta, pero nos confirma que este cambio no está contemplado abarcarlo por el momento.

Te invitamos a que puedas proponerlo de nuevo el proximo año

Muchas gracias por tu colaboración, un saludo.

Netex Support

Ntx Support
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Samantha Vázquez Fustes
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Hi Irma,

Our Product Owner commented this seems interesting but she confirmed that our Development team haven't contemplated this change yet.

We invite you to propose this again next year.

Thanks for your collaboration.


Netex Support


Hola Irma,

Nuestra Product Owner comenta que le parece interesante tu propuesta, pero nos confirma que este cambio no está contemplado abarcarlo por el momento.

Te invitamos a que puedas proponerlo de nuevo el proximo año

Muchas gracias por tu colaboración, un saludo.

Netex Support

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