Dudas sobre campos en certificado (LMS)
We are setting participation certificate issuance on the platform and we don't know where the fields that appear on the certificate are located whitin the STUDENT tab and the COURSE tab.
We attach document with the fields mentioned.
Best regards
Hola Joan,
Los campos que empiezan por "fundae." son campos extendidos con el mismo nombre (sin ese prefijo fundae.).
Los otros campos los rellena en función de cuándo empezó y concluyó el curso.
param.expedition_date la fecha de superación del curso.
Un saludo.
Jacobo Gómez
Customer Support Agent
Hello Joan,
"fundae" fields are extended fields with the same name (without "fundae" prefix).
Other fields are based on the date when the course was started and finished.
param.expedition_date is related to the date when the course is succeeded.
Jacobo Gómez
Customer Support Agent